Aside form the stunning animation, beautiful editing and climactic story line, one of the less obvious undertones to Director Sugimoto Kousuke's animated music video's is the human allegory submersed in the narrative. In his latest effort, "The TV Show", we are presented with realities that increasingly bleed into one another over the course of the video. Ignoring for a moment the more obvious "who's dreaming whom" rationalization, I'd like to think Sugimoto has identified trends towards the global democratization of information, content creation and aggregation. Think about it for a moment, your browser is increasingly becoming your primary window to the world. It's only a hop, skip and a jump until MS Office is ported to a browser platform. Once that happens say goodbye to the operating system as we know it and, more importantly, say goodbye to knowledge ownership, privacy mores and our online identities as we know them... and that's a good thing btw...